сряда, 28 август 2013 г.

Everything about cardio workouts !

All about cardio workouts In this article you’re going to learn why it’s necessary cardio workouts to be present in your training program and also which type of cardio workout is best for you.

What is cardio workout 
The word cardio has its origin in English and is an abbreviation for Cardiovascular exercise. It is enhancement of heart activity for a certain period of time and is more important for your health than weightlifting.

Why should we do cardio workouts? 
There are several reasons: 1.To remove your fats and look better. You want six pack abs? The only way to achieve them is to clean up subcutaneous fat. 2.It’s proved that cardio improves your mood and decreases depression. 3.Another scientifically proved fact is that cardio workouts lessen brain fatigue with up to 65%. 4.To live a healthier live. Because losing only a few per cent subcutaneous fats make you look much more “ripped”.

Cardio workouts “burn” muscle mass? – FALSE.
Many people insist on the wrong opinion that cardio workouts do “burn out” muscle mass – give me a break! Loss of muscle mass is due only to wrongly structured feeding regime and protein insufficiency in your diet.So, if you consider doing with two apples all day long and jogging a 5 km distance in order to do a “clean up” – you’d better make up your mind! Types of cardio: there are different types of cardio workouts and it’s not of high importance which one you’ll choose. What matters is to do it at least 4 times a week. They are divided basically into two types:

1) Slow paced and balanced cardio. 
That includes walking and jogging.Its duration varies between 45 and 60 minutes with a slow and steady unchangeable tempo. During this type of training joints are minimally stressed and that’s the exact reason why it’s appropriate to be practiced by overweight people .

2) High intensity cardio 
This type of cardio burns out much more calories in comparison with slow paced jogging/ walking. It’s duration is between 20 and 30 minutes, but the joint impact is much higher. So what exactly should I choose? Here I’m going to present you a few alternative ways for cardio training: Bike. Biking is a great way both for indoor and outdoor cardio workouts ! Averagely for 30 minutes it burns out between 250 and 500 kcal, depending certainly on biking intensity. Swimming – Swimming also can be a killer cardio workout. It exercises the entire body and it can burn out up to 400 kcal in 30 minutes. If you have the opportunity to include swimming into your weekly schedule – it’s a must do! Rope jumping – Rope jumping is another awesome way to do a cardio workout. I myself am a great fan of. Just like swimming, it exercises the entire body. Furthermore it’s an interesting fact that a 70-kg male can burn out up to 14 kcal per minute jumping! (Well, it’s true… it requires a bit of practice until you learn how to jump, but after 1-2 days of training you are going to make it! ) Running – Running is still the most popular cardio method. Depending on its intensity it can burn out about 300-400 kcal per 30 minutes. Walking – The least intensive type of cardio, but nevertheless for 30 minutes you can burn out up to 180 kcal! That was all about cardio workouts from me. I hope you find this article useful.

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