сряда, 28 август 2013 г.

Lunges – exercise for legs

Hello everyone !

In this article I’ll be talking about the great legs and gults exercise called “Lunges”. They’re easy to do, and does not require expensive equipment. You MUST have them included in your legs and gluts workout plan ! But if you have problems with your knees or ancles – skip them ! Anyway, lets go ahead and talk about the different variations of lunges.

With bodyweight 
You see the girl in the picture ? Thats how lunges are performed. Keep your lowerback straight, make a step forward with your left leg till it reach 90 degree. Go back to the starting position and repeat the same with your right leg.

Advanced lunges
If bodyweight lunges are too easy for you then just grab 2 dumbells and try again ! The weighted lunges are much more harder and will give you a nice soreness ! I promise you – if you didn’t do this exercise before, after 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps on the next day you’ll feel such burn  in your gluts that you’ll feel uncomfortable when trying to sit !      

 You can also do lunges with barbell but its a bit harder and requires more fitness experience. Find whats best for you and do it ! Do you like lunges ? Whats your opinion abo
ut them ? Post a comment bellow.

Interesting facts about water

In this article I’m about to talk again water. I’ll share you a few things that I'm sure that you DON’T know.

Interesting facts
The movie is full of interesting and more important, scientifically proven facts. Did you know that water has its memory? Or it can change its structure? Or that is influenced by the emotions of people? But let’s not reveal more. Please Google “Water – The movie”. Download it and watch it ! I’m expecting your comments in the comment box below.

Postworkout nutrition tips + recipes

Eating after a workout
Eating after workout is one of the most important meals of the day.That’s due to the fact that once muscles have been exerted for a long time, if you do not give them something to recover, they will have no progress . What happens to us during training? As you already know, carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body. That’s the exact reason why immediately after training, when they are exhausted, it is important to supply them in order to restore glycogen levels. More important thing, however, in our post workout meal, is to have protein! It is needed to recover muscles to grow stronger and bigger. Another thing you may know is that when you exercise your muscles they are filled with blood, and a part of this blood must go to the stomach to involve in food digestion, so it is important that an after training meal should be easily digestible and not too large.

Recipes for a post-workout meal:

1)Whites and salad
2) Meat and salad
3) Fish with vegetables
4) Sandwich of whole-grain bread and meat
5) Rice with meat
6) Rice with spinach
7) Peas or lentils
 8) Whites and boiled potatoes Those were my tips for a post workout nutrition! I hope you find this article useful and interesting. Feel free to drop me a comment in the comment box below.

Salt – harmful or useful ?

In this article we’ll talk about salt and how it affects our body. Salt has become part of almost every meal. We add it to salads, meat and potatoes and I can hardly think of food that is consumed without salt. I guess most of you have heard, however, that salt is harmful, but do you know why? In fact, salt is necessary for our body and is vital, but its quantity should be VERY little! The daily required dose is about 1 gram. Each gram exceeding this dose may be considered harmful.

Negative Effects of salt consumption
Ulcers may be formed. Leads to heart attacks and strokes. It cause damagе to your kidneys. It retains water  in your body. Yet we should not forget that we need it! Just limit its amount a little bit.

How to eat properly at school

Have you asked yourself the question – how to eat properly at school, given the fact the only thing offered in school canteens is greasy pastry, cheese pies, batters fried in deep oil and occasionally some more or less acceptable sandwich?
This article will give you a few tips that I hope will be helpful for you.
There are many ways to eat properly even at school.

To begin with: 
Canteen Not every school has a canteen, but if you’re lucky and yours is one of them you can always find something cooked to eat there and it’s perhaps the best option.

Good butteries
Apart from old time bakeries selling pies filled with fat probably somewhere around your school there are better butteries selling some sandwiches. Although bread will not be the whole grain one , a sandwich with white bread, salad and some meat is a decent meal for school.

If you live 2 feet away from school
Go back home and eat there. It’s something I do quite often : D

Take your own food
However if none of the above options do not seem agreeable for you, you can always get a foodbox in your rucksack. Here are a few good things that can get in your bag.

1) Fruit – will not satiate much, but better than nothing.
2) Steamed vegetables with meat – you have a little bit from dinner left? Bundle up!
3) Eggs – Once you boil them, remove whites put them in the box and you’re ready for school.
4) Cans – A can of tuna is about has 23g protein in it – is there any better meal for school? (Just remember Orbit gum after it)
5) Rice with meat – there’s a little left in the tray from yesterday? Pack it up for school!
6) Cottage cheese – you can carry it from home, you may buy it directly at school.

5 pre-workout meals

Hello everybody !
You might have already read the article “10 post-workout meals”. This is a similar one but it is about 5 pre-workout meals.

Here they are:
Eggs – you can have them boiled, fried or as an omelet with a slice of wholemeal bread.
A steak (preferably chicken one) with a salad.
Oats with milk and some chopped fruits.
Oats with yogurt and some chopped fruits.
Coffee with milk (especially if you try to get your body ripped).

Try to avoid simple sugars in your pre-workout meals. They might cause you an insluin spike and you might fall asleep. I guess you don’t want this to happen especially when you’re going to workout ? Thats it from me. Feel free to post a comment in the box below.

3 tips for ripped abs !!!

What we need to know to achieve the desired abdominal definition. In today’s world we are offered various “easy” and “fast” systems which promise to turn you from a person with flabby stomach to one with a 8-pack
abs – THEY ARE LYING ! If it was that easy to just buy some pills, or buy one of those notorious vibrating belts, all people would have had ripped and defined abs, right ? I’m going to tell you three things you can do to achieve ripped abs.

 1 – Reduce the food 
To shed body fat, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Don’t forget though, your body requires calories to go through its daily vital processes. You should NEVER restrict calories too drastically, because this leads to slower metabolism, and will interfere with your goals. Besides that, the extreme calorie restriction may lead to loss of muscle mass due to the lack of energy resources. Your body metabolizes body fat for energy, once the fat is depleted, the body searches for other energy sources and may start to catabolise muscle tissue.

2 – Eat smaller meals, often 
eat every three hours. Eat slow digesting carbs, proteins and fats (which have to be in small amounts). You have to eat at least 4-6 times a day. Eating smaller meals every 3 hours is going to activate your metabolism even more, and this is something we want to achieve. Resistance training also greatly effects metabolism, so don’t skip workouts.

3 – Cardiovascular training 
Cardio is a must, if you want ripped abs. It reduces your body fat percentage, promotes cardiovascular health, improves blood circulation, reduces stress, effects you muscle tone and overall conditioning. Like all exercise, cardio leads to endorphin secretion- the body’s hormone of happiness. Feel free to comment and ask me questions under the article.